Monday, February 09, 2009

Welcome Quickstoppers!

Song Fu Logo

If you've arrived here via the link on the latest 'Masters of Song Fu' page, then Welcome!

On the off-chance you enjoyed my entry into the first round (which is due to be made available later this week), you can find a wealth of additional music for free download (as well as real, physical CDs) by clicking this link right here.

More details can be found at the following places:-
'The Lunacy Board' have three albums of quirky, eclectic rock, one available as a free download. If you like Pink Floyd, Krautrock, The Bonzos, or other cerebral rock music, it's worth a try.
'Some Other Scotland' is my weekly fiction podcast, based around a warped version of current events in Scotland.
'The Deserters' date back into the early 80's - a world away, but worth a trip for the sheer hell of it.
If you do the twitter thing, this is my feed - find out about the latest new music from chez Bordet as it happens.

Thanks for visiting, and don't forget to vote!

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